Hunter x hunter game theory
Hunter x hunter game theory

hunter x hunter game theory

Why does the truth of sense-certainty disappear when written down? Hegel explains that sense-certainty cannot be expressed because it is knowledge of the particular, and language expresses knowledge of the general or universal. How is here nighttime? This is indeed very peculiar. For example, suppose I uttered the sentence “here is nighttime,” wrote it down, woke up the next day, and read it aloud. Such sense-certainty’s utterance, Hegel argues, is incoherent.

hunter x hunter game theory

It is the experience of “this” or “here” rather than classifications like red or round. For Hegel, the most primitive form of consciousness is certainty at the level of sense experience. Let’s begin with Hegel’s theory of self-consciousness. Why Hegel one might ask? I chose to do a Hegelian analysis of Meruem, because I found an unmistakable parallel between the character development of Meruem and Hegel’s thoughts on self-consciousness. Instead, I will be writing an analysis of the Hegelian aspects of Meruem. I would love to write at length about how great of a character he is, but this is not what I will be doing in this essay. He was powerful, cunning, brutal, sympathetic, and all so human as Nietzsche once exclaimed. Meruem is one of my favorite characters from Hunter x Hunter.

Hunter x hunter game theory